Delhi on Sunday recorded 424 instances of the Covid sickness (Covid-19), most minimal in more than seven months, as indicated by reports which cited wellbeing specialists. The public capital has been recording under 500 new Covid-19 cases for two days straight at this point. While 708 individuals have recuperated, upwards of 14 passings have been accounted for because of the infection over the most recent 24 hours, as per wellbeing specialists. 

On Saturday, Delhi recorded 494 new Covid cases. The capital has been recording a consistent decay Covid-19 cases since the most recent seven day stretch of December. 

The Covid inspiration rate in Delhi has likewise plunged under one percent to 0.62 percent. The absolute number of Covid cases in Delhi at present stands at 6,26,872 with complete recuperations adding up to 6,11,243, while dynamic cases stay 5,044.