Bird flu, also called avian influenza, has come as a double whammy for Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat after a big pandemic COVID-19 STill continue.

 At least near five states in India reported bird deaths due to latest bird flu in the over  past one week, the Centre has issued an advisory to all states asking them to test the droppings of migratory and poultry birds to prevent the spread. Close to 24,500 birds have died and thousands others birds mostly crows are infected. 

The Union service of fisheries, creature farming and dairying on Wednesday highlighted transitory winged animals as a reason for the spread of influenza which has set off a caution in the north, focal and southern India. "In India, the infection spreads principally by transient winged animals coming into India during cold weather months for example from September-October to February-March. The auxiliary spread by human dealing with (through fomites) can't be precluded," the service said. 

The Center has additionally given a winged creature influenza alert in a few states in the wake of the abrupt passing of fowls in huge numbers, saying that the examples should be gathered from zones where fledgling influenza cases are being accounted for. The center government has additionally dispatched a drive to distinguish those with suspected influenza indications in those territories. 

In the midst of the alarm, the state governments, as a convention, have forced prohibitory requests in parts where flying creature influenza passings are being recorded.