US President Donald Trump and first woman Melania Trump had tried positive for Coronavirus. 

U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet that he and First Lady Melania Trump tried positive for Covid-19. The president said they will start "isolate and recuperation measure right away." The president was tried after Hope Hicks, perhaps the nearest associate, additionally tried positive. Hicks went with Trump on board Air Force One to and from the presidential discussion in Cleveland on Tuesday.

Trump's positive test comes only hours after the White House reported that senior assistant Hope Hicks caught the infection subsequent to going with the president a few times this week. Trump was most recently seen by journalists getting back to the White House on Thursday night and seemed to be healthy. Trump is 74 years of age, putting him at higher danger of genuine intricacies from an infection that has now slaughtered in excess of 200,000 individuals across the country.

In a reminder delivered early Friday morning, Trump's doctor said that the president and first woman intend to stay at the White House "during their strengthening" and that the clinical unit would "keep up a cautious watch.""Rest guaranteed I anticipate that the president should keep completing his obligations without disturbance while recouping, and I will keep you refreshed on any future turns of events," White House doctor Scott Conley said. 

The conclusion denotes a significant blow for a president who has been attempting frantically to persuade the American public that the most noticeably awful of the pandemic is behind them even as cases keep on ascending with about a month prior to Election Day. What's more, it remains as the most genuine realized general wellbeing alarm experienced by any sitting American president in late history. 

Trump had reliably made light of worries about being by and by helpless against contracting COVID-19, even after White House staff and partners were uncovered and nauseated.