A 19-year-old Dalit assault casualty, Manisha Valmiki, who was assaulted and left incapacitated by four upper position men, passed on a fortnight after the assault in a Delhi clinic on Tuesday. 

She was moved to the Safdarjung Hospital in the public capital on Monday night after her condition decayed. 

##JusticeForManishaValmiki #HathrasCase

On September 14, the casualty was hauled by the dupatta around her neck to a field when she had gone to gather steers feed, which harmed her spinal string. At the point when she was held down, she obviously kept quiet which caused a profound cut.

Hathras police director Vikrant Vir said the lady's family educated them that she kicked the bucket around 3 am. "The [woman] was alluded to the Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi however couldn't be spared. [She] inhaled her keep going on Tuesday morning... [Her] after death is to be led in Delhi before her body will be taken back to Hathras possibly later in the day [Tuesday] for incineration," said Vir. He said the lady endured spinal wounds, however denied reports that her tongue was cut.

Vir said the accountable for Hathras' Kotwali police headquarters has been eliminated for supposed inaction for the situation. He included that the four blamed had been captured and will likewise be reserved for homicide. 

Vir said they previously captured 20-year-old Sandip the day the lady was assaulted. He included that three additional men, Ramu, Lavkush, and Ravi, were later captured when the lady named them in her announcement before a justice on September 22. Vir said the men attempted to strangulate her when she attempted to oppose their endeavors to assault her. 

Vir said the 19-year-old was found severely harmed after she disappeared on September 14. 

Hathras region justice Praveen Kumar said the charged have likewise been reserved under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and the lady's family has been given Rs 10 lakh pay.